What is Color Analysis and why would I need one?

Do you have clothes hanging in your closet that you rarely wear? One reason could be that those colors make you look washed out; they’re just not flattering.

Our color analysis will show you colors that light up your face and make your skin glow. You’ll see the difference immediately.


We mostly see clients in small groups of 2-4 (larger groups can be arranged) which are friendly, warm and informative. Your session lasts 2-4 hours, depending on the size of the group.

Color Analysis has become popular for business Team Bonding events as well.

Individual one-on-one sessions are also available. 

How does a Color Analysis work?

We use precision dyed drapes to find out which season’s colors naturally harmonize with your individual undertones. Everyone falls into one of these palettes: spring, summer, autumn, or winter.

This system is based on color SCIENCE, a system that has proven effective for 37 years for House of Colour.

For accuracy, this is done only in person using indirect, natural daylight.

Once the colors that flatter you the most are determined, your consultant will rate the drapes of your entire season to identify your personal best, these are the “WOW” colors that will always give you that radiant, gorgeous glow.

For men, we drape the ‘neutrals’ of their season and discover their best suit colors.  Men tend to use the brighter colors of their palette differently than women, and we discuss the best ways to incorporate these colors.

Next for the ladies, we match mineral powder and blush to your personal coloring, and then help you find YOUR perfect lipsticks! Along with primer, concealer, bronzer and mascara, this personalized service is part of what we call the 90 Second Makeup.

Our entire makeup line is sorted by color season ensuring it will make you GLOW.

House of Colour has its own makeup line, and products are available for purchase.

At the completion of your Color Analysis, both men and women will receive a beautiful wallet of fabric color samples (so helpful on a shopping trip), plus a booklet of information in your season (for women, this includes makeup, hair and jewelry colors). This will help you evaluate your existing closet and help you build a new cohesive wardrobe.

After your session, you will be able to simplify your life by knowing your most flattering colors for clothing, hair, makeup, jewelry, mani/pedis, special event clothing (senior pictures, prom and wedding dresses, career wear) and more.

You’ll know how to build a closet where ALL of your clothing will mix and match, resulting in one large capsule wardrobe. This same color harmony also applies to jewelry and accessories, and for women, makeup and hair color. This is the closet you have been searching for your whole life!

Shopping becomes more efficient (only look at “your” colors”) and it will be much easier to budget. You will save money by avoiding purchases that remain unworn and focus only on colors that flatter you.

Click to view the different Color Analysis options.
(Group, Individual, Team Building, Advanced)

To request certain dates, please send an email to your preferred studio location.

Sioux Falls studio:  [email protected]

Okoboji studio: [email protected]

Rock Valley studio:  [email protected]